Cover zero to thousand crores journey faster

We enable founders to grow and scale their business faster, supporting them in their 0 to 1000 crores revenue journey. With our experienced team of mentors and funding experts guiding you on building your business, raising required funds and improving your chances to succeed in this journey.

Our experts guide you on a proven path to reach the summit

We enable founders to succeed by leveraging 3 core areas — Mentors, Community and Funding. Leveraging them founders develop all round skills and competence to run their business and go from starting-up to hitting PMF to taking their hiking journey all the way to 1000 crores summit, in a planned and predictable fashion.

Our team, partners and mentors have worked with


Startups Exposure


Impacted Businesses


Major Sectors


Investment Firms

Your best partner in growth and scale journey

Questions you might have

What exactly is GrowthCulture Ventures?

GrowthCulture Ventures is an early stage investment and financial services firm, supporting founders from Seed to Series A stages of funding.

How do you work with founders?

We typically look for startups where we could not only add value from the funding side, but also we could add value as mentors, advisors or experts, that can help them grow and scale their business faster.

What type of startups or businesses you work with?

We are sector agnostic, working with both consumer and enterprise startups. We currently work with Indian founders, building in India or from US region.

What exactly do you offer?

Our core value add is growth and scale funding, suitable for founders running businesses across 0 to 100 crores revenue range.

What is your investment thesis or cheque size?

We are not a fund, but we syndicate and advise on the investments rounds. For seed deals ranging from INR 1 Crore to 5 Crores, we work with our angel investors. For Pre-Series A and Series A rounds we work with our VCs and family offices partner network, where the typical deal size ranges between 5 Crores to 100 Crores.

How are you different from other firms?

We are laser focused on enabling founders to cover the 0 to 1000 crores revenue journey faster, with our unique model, that helps founders achieve their growth and scale objectives.

How do I work with you?

Click on the apply button and submit the details, our team would reach back to you for the next steps.

Do you work with people yet to startup or are at idea stage?

We do have plans to cater to people who are at idea stage or are planning to startup and need help in getting started, but at the moment we do not cater to this stage.

Want us to partner with you in your growth or scale journey?

Let’s explore if we can help you scale the 1000 Crores peak

Cover the zero to thousand crores revenue journey faster

Leverage the power of mentors, community and funding to grow

Avoid trial-and-error methods, reduce risks, build business confidently

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